Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Social CRM in 140 Characters – Xeesm …making a difference

Social CRM in 140 Characters – Xeesm …making a difference: "#SCRM Empower sales teams 2 strengthen relationships, understand needs, collaborate across company boundaries 4 predictable mutual success.

A lot has been said about Social CRM and what it may be. For some it is just a strategy, for other just some social features to traditional CRM. For some it is about business rules, workflow, processes with social characteristics and for some it is just a reaction to market changes, and then it includes attributes like trust building and loyalty. Do we need yet another definition?"

Wendy's Note ( I have recently started using the Xeesm Edge Social CRM Product and am posting my progress and adventures at If you want to track some of the conversation do a search on Twitter for #scrm, join the LinkedIn Group Social Media Software Group, or follow Xeequa, the company who developed Xeesm on LinkedIn. You can even subscribe to the blog to follow the progress.

If you are interested to test - the free version lets you have a social media address book to follow your customers and prospects. {Disclosure that Wendy Soucie Consulting is a Business Partner with]

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