Growing up in New Hampshire, I hiked the Appalachian Trail in the White Mountains with my father most weekends in the summer. I can appreciate the effort Wisconsin is making to complete this 1000 mile trail following the glaciers in Wisconsin.
On Friday, April 23, 2010, I will be giving a presentation at the IAT Alliance Annual Meeting on how the members can use social media to further their local chapter goals, IAT Alliance goals and ultimately membership goals. These images, video and even this blog post can help me show exactly how each member of each chapter can bring more awareness of the Ice Age Trail Alliance and become evangelists themselves to attract new member volunteers.
The Lodi Chapter has a unique partnership with the Lodi School District, Forest Products Laboratories, National Park Service and the Alliance office in the 5 year long volunteer effort that built this unique bridge. I have included the video I put together as well as pictures from William Beers, the Chapter Coordinator for 2009.
Great to see the fusion of "Ice Age" with the new "Social Age".