Saturday, June 12, 2010

Xeesm …making a difference

Xeesm …making a difference: "Social Business Application provider finds millions of social presences from your customers and partners.
Xeesm lets you find your customers in the social web with SocialFinder and stores it into a unique ‘Social Address Book’."

Wendy's Note: I recently became a Xeesm Business Partner. This tool can be used for a variety of things. Luckily for me, I have been in the BETA test program for almost 1 year. You can simply use the free social link aggregator. Or you could add the social address book for your contacts as a new way to stay focused when you want to contact prospects and clients.

I have moved up to the Social CRM product - Xeesm - Edge that I now use to manage opportunities as they progress. Xeesm allows you to use social touch points to stay in contact with clients you might not see as often, engage those you want and need to know better, and be much more efficient as a sales and business development person to reach out in a less intrusive manner than a cold call. In fact, I don't think I will make one of those again.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Wendy.
    I appreciate your article!
    All the best from Brazil,
