It starts with goals.
I made my project also something of a work-related project. As a certified social media strategist, I wanted to use this as a case study on how one person could make a difference with a thorough strategy, action plan and a few social media tools.
My goals looked like this:
- Get US Bike Route 30 through Columbia County WI
- Showcase Columbia County as a bike destination in Wisconsin
- Make the Scenic Lodi Valley a central hub in a 50 mile radius for eco-tourism
- Share stories and experiences of the people who bike in Columbia County
- Use multiple forms of media
- Build evangelism
- Create amplification of all digital
- Create a social media map for entity that manages social profiles for Lodi Silent Sports
- Audit digital asset inventory for re-purposing
- Develop geo tagging and keyword system for digital assets
- Map 10 routes for each town in Columbia County
- Map minimum of 1 route from each town to USBS 30
- Document each route with pictures, video, article posted online
This is an ongoing project and we have accomplished much this year. If you do some searches for Columbia County Biking, you can judge for yourself how we are appearing in search results under blogs, images and video. I have included my presentation given at the WI Counties Association Annual meeting where I presented.
Presentation on Slideshare: